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Calabasas High School

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Computer/Internet Access



We are pleased to offer students of the Las Virgenes Unified School District (“District”) access to the District’s computer network resources, electronic mail and the Internet. To use these resources, all students must sign and return this form, and those under age 18 must obtain parental permission. Please read and complete this document carefully, review its contents with your son/daughter, and sign and initial where appropriate.

General Network Use Policy

The network is provided for students to enhance learning, conduct research, complete assignments, and communicate with others. District-owned resources – including the District’s computer network – may only be used for educational and school-related purposes.

Access to the District’s computer network is allowed for students who agree to: 1) comply with this Agreement, 2) report any problem or misuse of equipment or the network to a teacher or administrator as soon as possible; 3) to give credit to the author of any information used in a class project; and, 4) represent our school district in a positive manner and be aware of how other people will view our school when reviewing any online student work.

Access is a privilege - not a right. As such, general school rules for behavior and communications apply. Students must comply with District standards and honor the agreements they have signed. By signing this Agreement, each student understands that if they do not follow these guidelines, it will result in a loss of computer privileges.

Network administrators will review files and communications to maintain system integrity and to insure that students are using the system responsibly. Students should realize that files saved or accessed on school file servers and the history of Internet sites visited by them are not private and may be viewed by teachers and administrators.

Prohibited Activities

Before using the District’s resources, each student must print, sign and return this form, and those under age 18 must obtain parental permission. The activities listed below are examples of conduct that is NOT permitted:

Violations of any of these prohibitions may result in a loss of access as well as other disciplinary or legal action.

Internet / World Wide Web / E-mail Access

Access to the Internet and e-mail will enable students to use thousands of libraries and databases. While our intent is to make Internet access available to further educational goals and objectives, students may find ways to access other materials as well. Filtering software is in use, but no filtering system is capable of blocking 100% of the inappropriate material available on the Internet.

Access to social networking sites such as MySpace and Facebook is prohibited.

The “2-second Rule” is in effect when online - if the student accidentally or inadvertently clicks on a page and something inappropriate comes up (despite our filter), the student has 2 seconds to click off the site. No exceptions! The student must inform a teacher or administrator of the inappropriate site.

  1. Using District-owned electronic communication facilities or student-owned electronic communication facilities while on District property to send defamatory, fraudulent, harassing, obscene, libelous, slanderous, threatening or bullying, or to send messages or images that violate applicable federal, state or other law or District policy;
  2. Giving personal information, such as complete name, phone number, address or identifiable photo, without permission from a teacher and parent or guardian;
  3. Recording, and/or videotaping classmates or teaching staff without their permission;
  4. Posting online or emailing photos or information about classmates or teaching staff without their permission;
  5. Damaging or modifying computers, computer systems, or computer networks;
  6. Adding software, including file-sharing applications, to computers;
  7. Violating copyright law;
  8. Using other’s passwords;
  9. Trespassing in other’s folders, work or files;
  10. Viewing web pages unrelated to educational or school-related purposes;
  11. Employing the network for commercial purposes, financial gain, or fraud; and
  12. Using District-owned electronic resources in a manner that is wasteful of electronic resources or that unfairly monopolizes resources to the exclusion of others.