School Site Council
What is the School Site Council?
The School Site Council (SSC) is a school representative body made up of teachers, parents, administrators, other school personnel, students (at the high school level), and interested community members. It is a legally required decision-making body for any school receiving federal funds. SSC members work together to develop a Single Plan for Action (SPSA) for every school year.
The purpose of the SPSA is to create a cycle of continuous improvement of student performance and to ensure that all students succeed in reaching state academic standards. More information can be found at the California Department of Education Website.
Who are the current School Site Council Members?
SSC members are elected to two year terms. Current members include:
Elected Representatives:
Brad Boelman, Chairperson & LVEA Representative
Noah Shapiro, Vice Chairperson & Student
Kaileigh Esson, Secretary & Certificated Representative
Devin Aaron, Parliamentarian & Student
Staff & Community Representatives:
Bennett Wutkee, Principal
Julie Reed, Certificated Representative
Michael Brohnsteyn, Student
David Cohan, Parent
Jessica Nedick, Parent
Lisa Robertson, Parent