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Molly McCurdy  (    

Phone: 818-222-7177 x52241    

Fax: 818-223-8477

To Order a Transcript CLICK HERE

Please allow 5 business days to process.

  • The envelope in which you receive an official transcript must remain sealed! An Unofficial transcript is used for your personal reference and/ or college applications.
  • Official Transcript(s) need to be picked up in person in the main office and ID is required to pick up ALL documents.
  • It is district policy that we DO NOT accept faxed transcript requests and WE DO NOT FAX TRANSCRIPTS. (Exception is for students who have transferred to another school and the school sends requests for records. In order for the student to be able to register, we will fax or email an unofficial transcript and immunization record only.)
  • If you live out of the State or out of the area, please fill out the above transcript request form and mail a self stamped envelope and address it to where you want the transcript to be sent. Please include a return address as well and address it to;
Calabasas High School
Attention Molly McCurdy - Registrar
22855 Mulholland Hwy
Calabasas, CA 91302


New Enrollment lnformation



If you plan on withdrawing your student from Calabasas High School, you will need to start by speaking to the registrar (Molly McCurdy)

You will receive a Student Withdrawal Report from Mrs. McCurdy for the students to take to their teachers for check-out grades.  Students will also need to check out at the Library and clear all books and fines that may be outstanding.

Once both tasks are completed, you will bring the Student Withdrawal Report back to Mrs. McCurdy to receive your check-out sheet.

**The Registrar's Office is where you would request Graduation Verification, Past Grad College Scholarship Forms, Good Driver Insurance Forms, Student Records/Files, and Social Security Forms.


You will need to fill out this FORM and provide two forms of proof that you live in the new house/apartment
Property Tax Bill, Lease agreement or escrow papers, AND a utility bill.